New Posts Coming Soon…..

Check back soon for more pictures information and great stuff about first prez youth
Coming Soon

March Newsletter is Out-and it’s not even halfway through March :)

Are you ready for some football…or fighting hunger…or playing chess…or watching commercials…or whatever else you will be doing on February 5?

There will be NO youth fellowship on January 29, but we’ll just be gearing up for Souper Bowl Sunday on February 5th.

At the 8:45 and 11:00 worship services that day everyone is invited to wear the jersey, sweatshirt, scarf, etc. of their favorite team(s) and we’ll collect money at the end of each service to raise money for Good Samaritan.  Good Samaritan is an organization who helps hungry people in our community.  People do a lot of eating on Super Bowl Sunday, so it makes sense that God would want us to think about people who don’t have so much food on this day. Here’s a little bit about the Souper Bowl of Caring:

That night, you’re invited to Lindsey’s house at 5:30 until after halftime to watch some football, or watch commercials, or play chess, or play angry birds or play with my dogs…whatever you’d like to do.  If your last name starts with A-M please bring a drink to share and if your last name starts with N-Z please bring a snack.

See you next Sunday!!

O’ Youth Advent Tree

A few pictures from our Advent walk around the sanctuary with Advent tree decorating.  Take note of the ornament that’s a little worse for the wear after hanging out with the organ.

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What’s Advent?


Online Advent Devotionals

Heifer Project Choices

If you were at youth fellowship last Sunday you know that we’ve raised around $900 for The Heifer Project. If you weren’t at youth group on Sunday I’m here to tell you that we’ve raised around $900 for the Heifer Project!!  Many moons ago when our youth were mere youngsters, y’all took on the task to raise $5000 for Heifer Project.  We haven’t reached that goal but on Sunday we decided that $900 was pretty good so we’d go ahead and choose which animals/plants we’d like to donate the money towards.

Here’s the deal with Heifer…

So, this is what you need to do.  Pick how we should spend our $900. We can donate for a couple of large gifts or several small gifts.  If you want to raise/donate around a hundred more dollars, we can even give the gift of cheese!!!

     A Flock of Chicks: $20

People can get eggs, meat and fertilizer from chickens.  They also eat bugs and other things that can hurt gardens.

   Honeybees: $30

From Uganda to El Salvador, bees from Heifer International help struggling families earn income through the sale of honey, beeswax and pollen. As bees search for nectar, they pollinate plants. Your gift can help Heifer provide a family with a package of bees, the box and hive, plus training in beekeeping – and this unique gift will be passed on to another family in need.

  Camel:  $850

In parts of the world too dry for other livestock, Heifer is providing families with camels and training in their care. Camels not only provide transportation, but they also produce milk that families can drink or sell.  “Through camels we get a lot of income,” says a family member gratefully. “It helps children with education fees. We pay doctors once a month to come out and give medical car to pregnant and nursing women.”

  Cheeses of the World Gift Basket: $990

Many Heifer partner families turn milk from their animals into cheese that they can then store for food or sell for income. This gift basket includes the gift of a heifer, a goat, a sheep and a water buffalo – four animals that families around the world will use to make mozzarella, feta and hundreds of local and traditional cheese varieties.

   A Flock of Ducks: $20

Ducks are good for both people and the environment. Ducks add protein to a project partner’s diet from eating eggs, money in their pockets from selling eggs and ducks, and better crops in the fields, as ducks remove weeds and bugs and add fertilizer. In China, ducks are as much as tripling some families’ incomes.

  Earth Gift Basket: $60

Earth Baskets provide two essential gifts: additional income for families and support for the environment. This gift basket includes been and trees.  Bees produce honey and wax that supply income when sold at the local market and bees pollinate other plants. The tree seedlings which provide shade and fodder for animals and prevent soil erosion.

A Heifer: $500

When a family has a cow, every morning there’s a glass of rich milk for the children to drink before heading off to school. Classes are paid with the income from the sale of milk, and there’s even enough to share with the neighbors. A good dairy cow can produce four gallons of milk a day – enough for a family to drink and share with neighbors.

Pig: $120

Each pig can give a valuable source of meat, income from the sale of offspring and manure to nourish crops and soil. Pigs don’t need much land and can thrive on crop and garden by-product scraps. An average sow can provide a family with up to 16 piglets a year.

  Sheep: $120

Entire communities depend on wool and meat from sheep. Struggling families use sheep’s wool to make clothes, or sell it for extra income. Sheep often give birth to twins or triplets and can graze even the hilliest, rockiest pastures unsuitable for other livestock. Some Heifer families use managed grazing techniques or zero-grazing pens to protect the environment and collect manure for fertilizer, which improves soil and pasture land.

  Water Buffalo: $250

In poor Filipino villages, water buffalo from Heifer provide draft power for planting rice and potatoes, milk for protein and manure for fertilizer and fuel. A farmer can plant four times more rice with a buffalo than by hand.  Water buffalo haul heavy loads to the market, where the sale of extra produce brings in vital income for clothing, medicine and school. By renting their buffalo to neighbors, Heifer partner families can earn money for home improvements.

  Gardener’s Gift Basket: $170

This basket represents everything a family will need to start a sustainable farm – tree seedlings, rabbits to generate organic manure, chickens to eat pests and a hive of bees to pollinate crops and increase yields.

To see everything we can choose from, look at the Heifer Gift Catalog

Hot Dog Roast 2011

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Hike to Machine Falls

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Hike April 18

Sorry for the delay in blog posts….
Here’s the news for this week:

This Sunday, April 18, we’re going on a hike after church.
We’ll eat lunch at church (there’s a potluck honoring Chris Matusek & his soon-to-be wife) and head out to Tullahoma for a lovely hike in God’s creation. Make sure you bring shoes you can hike in (no flip flops, etc.), clothes you can get a little mucked… up, and a water bottle. Call/text/email Lindsey if you are planning on going.

March Experiment

In the month of March, we’ll be meeting from 12-1:30 after the 11:00 worship service.  Some of y’all said you might like this better so we’re giving in a shot.  Let me know what you think.

This Sunday, March 7, we’ll meet right after our 11:00 service.  We’ll eat lunch, talk some about the promises we make with God and each other and then play some fun, silly games…..maybe we’ll even play football, just to do something different.

We hope you’ll be there on Sunday afternoon!
